Opportunities to Serve

Our community thrives on volunteerism. If you look around Worth County, you will find much of what we do as a community depends on people stepping up to volunteer their time and energy to make things happen. The sesquicentennial provides a prime example of how the community came together to create a celebration worth having (no pun intended). The Worth County R-III School District offers you similar opportunities.

I wanted to pass along several opportunities to serve here at the Worth County R-III School District. These commitments to serve range from several years (e.g. become a school board member) to one or two meetings (e.g. committees for giving input to the school’s direction). Currently there are openings on the following district level committees:

1. School Facilities Committee – This committee is tasked with prioritizing district facilities projects. Currently, these projects include outdoor stair renovation, emergency exit renovation, ag building roof, decking for the stadium bleachers, improve handicap parking at the football stadium, security system and security doors, and fine arts improvements.

2. Parent Involvement Committee – This committee will prepare our required school compact for Title 1, identify ways in which parents and community members can stay engaged with our schools, provide learning opportunities for parents and community members around educational issues and advocate for our school in the state and federal legislature.

3. Technology Committee – This committee is tasked with developing a three-year plan related to our school district’s technology assets, to include professional development for teachers, purchasing of hardware and software, and other related technology issues.

While these committee members will not make the final decisions on any of these issues, the citizens will provide valuable insight to the board of education and make recommendations on actions that they would like to see the board make. If you would like to participate in any of these committees, or if you would like to learn more about the board of education, please contact me at mmartz@wc.k12.mo.us or call the district office at 660-564-3389.