To Post or Not To Post

I usually try to use this space to offer up positive things about our school district because we have so much for which we can take pride. Our school district, for example, received a 92.5% on our annual performance rating by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), which gives our district full-accreditation! This rating comes from hard work by our teachers and students in the classroom and in preparation for college or careers. In addition, it comes from our parents and students making the effort to be at school, so the students can learn. Recently, however, I was saddened to see some members of our local community, who took to social media to complain about our school district and one of our teachers. As a society, have we forgotten how to settle our differences in a manner that allows for open dialogue and understanding?


I want the community to know that we are here to work with you on improving your school district. In fact, there will be opportunities soon to give input into the development of our next Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) where we will establish goals and actions for the next five years. We will base these goals on input from as many of you who will choose to participate in the process.

In the meantime, set the example for your children on how to handle problems by refraining from openly and publicly voicing complaints and criticisms. Instead, if you are unhappy with something happening here at school, then go to someone who can help you with the situation. Typically, if it involves a teacher, you go to that teacher. If it is something that is happening at the school, then you go to an administrator. We welcome parents’ opinions and are always looking for ways to improve your school district. As one of our teachers put it, “Open and honest communication is the key to success. Open and honest communication is the best way to prevent misunderstandings and hard feelings.” I hope that you will choose to come and participate and help us achieve even better things for children in our community.
May you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and a joyous New Year.

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