Today the Worth County R-III School District started the year to a little shower of much needed rain. Both, students and teachers, moved through the halls excited for the new school year. Junior High and High School students started the day in class meetings electing class officers and student council representatives. Mr. Adwell and Mr. Borey met with each grade and went over the student handbooks. In the elementary wing, the teachers talked with students about classroom and hallway expectations. As I walked the hallways in both wings of the school, I noted how polite the students acted toward the teachers and toward one another. They demonstrated courtesy to other classes as they moved through the building quietly.
Additionally, I met a few of our entering preschoolers, coming for their school screening, excited to be here, but a little nervous too. Speaking of preschool, we still have openings in the Little Tigers Preschool Program. This program offers a full-day preschool experience that includes pre-academic skills along with social and cognitive developmental activities. Cost for attending the program, which is partly funded through the Missouri Preschool Project Grant, varies depending on the family’s income. Price ranges from $17.50 per week to $70.00 per week and includes breakfast, lunch and an afternoon snack. If you know anyone that has a child that is three or four years old by July 31, 2013, they are eligible to participate.
The Little Tigers Preschool schedule coincides with the Worth County R-III school year. Transportation is available by bus, if needed. Applications are available at the school. Parents may contact Mrs. Dianne Koehler at (660) 564-3320.